
Friday, November 16, 2012

Manaiakalani Film Festival

“RING!” the bell went. As soon as I heard the bell go, I rushed off to the Street and got ready in my class lines. I was very excited to get out of school and go to watch the Manaiakalani film festival at Hoyts, Sylvia park. The whole school went but the years 1-6 went first and then the years 7-8.  It was the start to my interesting day.

“ Come on people, lets go!” our teacher said to us students. As we walked through the car park and onto the footpath, I could see 3 buses waiting for us to hop on and go. “ Mrs Lagitupu, which bus are we going on??” We were going back and forward and deciding what bus we were going on.

“ Squeak!!!” The buses stopped. When I looked outside, I could see that we were at Sylvia park!! “ Yay! I can’t wait to see our Pt England movies at the film festival!!” I my friend whispered in my ear. I knew that there was going to be a variety of different movies.

As soon as we were seated in the cinema, the light went down and everyone started to cheer. The first movie that showed was a movie from Pt England and Tamaki Collage. It was called " The Real One Direction. . . . . . East side Styles!" It was very funny to watch because it went from year 6 students to Teachers, it was awesome!!!!

When the lights came on, everyone said "Ohhh!!" It was the end of the Film festival and I was even sad because I wanted to watch more cool films. I felt really tired and sad because it was very cool and I wanted to watch more. It was a very cool experience to watching all of those films.


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